
Introducing Gyro

Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.         - Jack Bogle At Gyro, we embrace Jack Bogle's assertion that investing doesn't have to be complicated. Unfortunately, we're surrounded by a financial system designed to extract every last dollar from our wallets through high fees, complex products, and flashy marketing. We created Gyro to be different. Our mission is to support individual investors' journey to financial independence by providing the tools they need at the lowest possible cost. Proven Principles Million of investors have built independent, dignified lives through the practice of simple principles such as those summarized on the  Bogleheads forum :      1. Prepare to invest Live below your means Develop a workable plan Never bear too much or too little risk Invest early and often      2. Create a portfolio Diversify Invest with simplicity Use index funds when poss
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